The importance of trees in general can hardly be underestimated. From water catchment, protection, medicinal

values among other importance aspects.Joshua Kigen 51 years old is a farmer in chemgerech village .He had seen a viable opportunity in establishment of fruit tree nursery to improve his livelihood but he did know where to get seeds for various trees at a cheaper price.
So he had 10 seedlings of cypress and 5 of Neem tree. Joshua opted for more fruit trees rather than these other trees which he says only take a big space while producing nothing.
He says he has found out that paw paw is highly the marketable in his area. He has a competitive advantage as his one acre garden is close to water source and this gives him hope that he can produce fruit trees.
Last year he was lucky to meet seed savers network staff in one of farmers training where he learnt about seed extraction from paw paw fruits. From there he started seed extraction for paw paw and established 100 new seedlings.This was his relieve and gave him the morale to raise more trees. He has introduced other species like moringa, night tulip among other indigenous species.
Currently he is selling the paw paw at 100 ksh per seedlings which is giving him high profit in the midst of COVID-19.Other farmers prefer his seedlings because as they are healthy and they can trust the source.His family depend on the sale for seedlings for living to meet their daily needs. He is aspiring to expand and diversify his nursery to raise more fruit trees since he knows there is a big market around the country.

‘I am looking for a bigger space so that I can double the size of my nursery. Thank to Seed Savers.Now I can save my own seeds from fruits and establish a nursery at the same time. I will plant fruit trees until I retire’ He quotes