If all arable land in the world (1.4 Billion Ha) was divided with the population(7 Billion) each could get 2000m2. The project target at identifying the amount and diversity of crops that can be grown in this field. Click here to read more about the aim of 2000m2 initiative. In Kenya we are implementing this project with Maina’s Family who are among our farming community network in Gilgil with our key message to the whole world being food sovereignty. Already we have provided this family with seeds to ensure crop diversity in their field as we wait for the project to commence in February 2017. Click here to read more about 2000m2 field in Kenya.
Our first and second blog depicting the current state of the field, the neighboring landscape, family members and the fodder section is online in their website. The project also aims at communicating possible agricultural policies to policy makers in the whole world by showing the outcomes of 2000M2 and the people it can feed.
Where do Farmers Get Fruit Tree Seedlings?

To many this is a question they rarely ask. All they know is that most of the seeds are bought in agro shops which are supplied by multinational seed companies. Why not fruit trees? What is relevance of community seed systems filling the gap? As an organization is our mission to conserve agro –biodiversity. We work for improved seedlings access by training farmers to establish fruit tree nurseries.
That’s a wise answer to a tricky qutoiesn