Forest Black night shade Transforms life of Sally Chelimo a farmer from Baringo County

Sally Chelimo 49 is a farmer who lives in Kabasis village, Loboi location in Baringo.Her farm used to give her

Sally at her farm

income once per year after sale of maize which was not enough to sustain her family.In 2019,her farming methods changed after receiving a training on crop diversification and seed saving from seed savers Network done to Locholota women group.

Initially ,her dreams of producing vegetables were curtailed due to unavailability of some seeds and high cost of seeds in agroshops.She could only afford kales seeds which are cheaper but still required more water to produce.

Her misfortunates changed when she obtained knowledge and skills in seed extraction for fruits and vegetables. As a result she collected a rare black night shades that grows in forests and extracted its seeds.To her surprise, they grew so well and today she is reaping benefits despite the harsh weather.

Consumers at her farm

Neighbors and market sellers flock her home daily to buy this popular traditional vegetable. They are preferred as its known they are grown without use of pesticides compared to others.

Their supply is low in the region as very few farmers produce them and in most cases they are bought at a market place located 25km from her village but only twice a week and there is no assurance of getting this kind of vegetables.

“Our diet has now changed as we consume vegetables wherever we want to and nutritional wise, I can say we have improved and now I have also joined village chamas (group) to reach more farmers” She added